In goat kidding, it can be scary when a little goat's life depends on your momentary decision. That's why it's important to prepare for goat kidding in advance.
Know what to expect. Prepare to help your goat through pregnancy, labor and birth.
Train yourself to recognize the signs of problems and to know exactly what to do about them. When you're confident and prepared to help your goat give birth, you can relax and enjoy these moments.
Even if you're experiencing goat kidding for the first time, you can learn how to be that confident, prepared person.
Let me show you goat kidding tips the "pros" teach so you can successfully help your own goats through pregnancy, labor, birth and beyond.
If your mama doe has kidded before, plan to give her about a two-month break before kidding again. This will dry up the doe's milk from any previous kidding by two weeks before any new kids arrive.
A little over a month before kidding give the doe a Selenium/Vitamin E supple...
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