If you're considering the Oberhasli goat breed, let me fill you in on the characteristics, facts and origin of Oberhasli dairy goats that you may find helpful.
For many homesteaders and goat enthusiasts it can be overwhelming to decide on a breed to start your herd.
Years ago, when I began setting up my off-grid homestead, I read and researched for hours on end and the information was profuse and often contradictory.
Much of the decision depends on your needs.
Mine was milk. Lots of it.
WIth a growing family and a passel of kids (no pun intended) of my own, milk was high on my priority list.
However, I did not have the available facilities for a cow and, honestly, I was a little afraid of being kicked by a 1200 pound animal.
When the opportunity to buy 3 Oberhasli goats practically fell into my lap, I took it as a sign that this was meant to be and I was looking forward to starting my herd.
It didn’t take me long to fall in love with these kind, beautiful goats.
There was no m...
Come on, admit it! All the goat breeds are confusing, right? You want some goats. But there are so many different types. How do you choose?
The process of selecting a breed of goat may seem like a daunting task, and that is not a surprise because there are over 200 unique breeds of goats around the globe!
Some goat breeds are not so common, and some are.
For simplicity, I’ll walk you through the different breeds of goats and typical functions of goats that are most popular with today’s goat farmer and hobbyist. After we get done here, you should have a clear understanding of the best breeds for different purposes, and which breed may be ideal for you.
In this article I'm going to show you the 15 Best Breeds of Goats for Milk, Meat, Pets and More. Â
Let’s talk about the "why" - why you want to purchase goats.
Now, you may have noticed that I said "goats" – in plural, not “a” goat. Goats are social animals, referred to as "herd" animals. T...
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